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Siksacakr (the Wheel of Knowledge) is the Center for Khmer Studies’ peer-reviewed, trilingual journal focusing on new trends in Khmer Studies. Articles are written in Khmer, English or French. All contributions are translated into Khmer.

Aimed primarily at providing Cambodian scholars with a link to international scholarship on Khmer and Southeast Asian studies, Siksacakr is a valuable resource for informing scholars about new directions and new research in Khmer Studies. Siksacakr also provides senior and emerging scholars, both international and Cambodian, with a respected venue for publication.

Download articles from issues No. 1 to No. 5 (2001-2003)

About CKS

Editorial 1st issue (EN) (KH) (FR)
by Dr. Michel Rethy Antelme

Editorial 2nd issue (EN) (KH) (FR)
by Prof. David Chandler

Editorial 3rd issue (EN) (KH) (FR) 
by Dr. Michel Rethy Antelme

Editorial 4th issue (EN) (KH) (FR)
by Dr. Michel Rethy Antelme

Director’s note 1st issue (EN) (KH)
by Dr. Philippe Peycam

Director’s note 2nd issue (EN)
by Dr. Philippe Peycam

Director’s note 3rd issue (EN)
by Dr. Philippe Peycam

Director’s note 4th issue (EN) (KH)
by Dr. Philippe Peycam

Programmes du CEK pour 2001-2002
(CKS Programs for 2001-2002) (FR) (KH)
by Prof. David Chandler

Building Intellectual Capacity:
A CKS-Rockefeller Foundation Research Program (EN) (KH)
by Frainçois Tainturier

The School Building at Wat Damnak:
An innovative approach (EN & KH)
by Chhim Phet


Phnom Penh and its lost battle for the preservation of historic buildings from the 1970s (EN)
by Dr. Beng Hong Socheat Khemro

Arts & Culture

A brief background of Lakhaon Bassac
(Traditional Opera Theatre) (EN) (KH)
by Suon Bun Rith, Intangible culture specialist

Why did he correct my memory ? (EN)
by Catherine Filloux

Linguistics & Literature

Journal No. 6 (2004). Pg 43
Clues on longstanding relationships between Cambodia and and Peninsular Thailand (EN) (KH)
by Daoruang WITTAYARAT & Michel Rethy ANTELME

Journal No. 7 (2005). Pg 53 
A Note on New Word Formation in Modern Khmer (EN) (KH)
by Phal SOK

Journal No. 8-9 (2006-2007)
Suzanne Karpelès and the Buddhist Institute (KH) (EN)
by Dr. Khing Hoc Dy

Modern Short Stories:
People’s Experiences and Memories Recorded by Novelists (EN)
by Tomoko Okada

Khmer general interrogative sentence (EN)
by Kamako Mori

Indian Epigraphy and its influence on Cambodia (EN)
by Dr. Vasundhara Filliozat

Archaeology & Anthropology

Archaeology in Cambodia: An appraisal for future research (EN)
by William A. Southworth

Social Anthropological Research on “The People of Angkor”: Living with a World Heritage Site (EN & KH)
by Keiko Miura, anthropologist

Preliminary study of the Memotian Culture (EN)
by Thuy Chanthourn

An overview of Cambodian Higher Education (KH)
by Run Sambath, Hak Siphirath and Chhun Oeurn

Two Vishnuite Stelae Commemorating Suryavarman II (EN)
by Dr. Tyson R. Roberts


Journal No. 10 (2008). Pg 23
Siem Reap–Angkor During the War (1970–1975) and Democratic Kampuchea(1975–1979): From Violence to Totalitarianism (EN) (KH)
by Henri LOCARD

Considerations on the Chronology and History of 9th Century Cambodia (EN)
by Dr. Karl-Heinz Golzio, epigraphist

Resolving the Chronology and History of 9th Century Cambodia (EN)
by Prof. Michael Vickery, Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh

The Chronology of 9th Century Cambodia reconsidered once more (EN)
by Dr. Karl-Heinz Golzio, epigraphist

Introduction to the National Archives of Cambodia (EN & KH)
by Peter Arfanis, archivist

La naissance de l’administration communale cambodgienne (FR) (KH)
by Im Monychenda

Comment aborder les témoignages pour entretenir la mémoire sur le régime “khmer rouge”? (FR)
by Sacha Sher

* Due to problems with the Symbol font, some words are not appearing correctly. We apologize for this inconvenience.  


Journal No. 8-9 (2006-2007). Pg. 13
Mahü Upüsikü, women’s morality, and merit in Middle Cambodia (EN)(KH)
by Dr. Trudy JACOBSEN

Pasupata Saivism in Karnataka and Cambodia (EN)
by Dr. Vasundhara Filliozat

Social Sciences

Les doctrines médicales khmères: nosologie et méthodes diagnostiques (FR)
by Dr. Rethy K. Chhem, National University of Singapore


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