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Application period is open.

Cambodian Scholar Travel Grant

The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) is offering travel grants to Cambodian Scholars who are invited to present their research at a conferences or workshop held within the Southeast Asian region. A limited number of grants are provided on an annual basis. Applications are accepted year-round. Grant are provided up to $500 for travel and accommodation expenses during the conference period. The Cambodian Scholar Travel Grant is funded by the individual donors.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be Cambodian nationals.
  • Applicant must have written notification from the conference organizers confirming their presentation is on the conference agenda.
  • The conference must be held in a Southeast Asian country.
  • The topic must be within the social sciences or humanities and related to Cambodia and Southeast Asia.

Application Requirements

  1. Letter of confirmation of participation from the conference organizers.
  2. Completed request for Travel Grant which can be downloaded here.
  3. An abstract of the paper.
  4. CV (2-page max.)

Application Deadline

To be eligible for the grant, your application must be submitted to CKS at least 1 month prior to the conference date. Upon the completion, you can submit your application to [email protected] with an email titled “Apply for Travel Grant”. 


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