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Center for Khmer Studies

The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) promotes research, teaching and public service in the social sciences, arts and humanities in Cambodia and the Mekong region.

What we do

  • Promote research and international scholarly exchange by programs that increase understanding of Cambodia and its region
  • Strengthen Cambodia’s cultural and educational structures and integrate Cambodian scholars in regional and international exchange
  • Partner with colleges and universities in Cambodia, the US and beyond

Our Work

CKS Library & Online Resources

Provides the largest public library outside the capital, Phnom Penh, with over 20,000 monographs, books and journals, and with publicly accessible computers.​

Conferences & Events

Present local and international, interdisciplinary workshops, conferences, and lectures in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh to establish professional partnerships between Cambodian and international scholars.

Programs & Fellowships

Support the research and education of junior and senior scholars from Cambodia and overseas.​

Publishing & Translation Program

Publishes original scholarly manuscripts and translates foundational social science and historical texts into the Khmer language.​

Latest Updates

Events & Conferences

Speaker: Ms. Sivpheng Haing

Date: January 24, 2025 

9:00 am 

Cambodia Time 

About the Workshop

This workshop offers instruction on the basics of academic writing to Cambodian students and researchers. Participants will gain an understanding of the sentence structure and paragraph components used in academic writing. The workshop also covers common…

Posted on: 13-January-2025

Past Events

Speaker: Dr. Leang Un

Date: December 24, 2024 

9:00 am 

Cambodia Time 

Read and download the slide presentation here.


Although social sciences and humanities were initially prioritized in Cambodia’s post-war reconstruction efforts, the government has since shifted focus toward STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)…

Posted on: 20-December-2024

Past Events

Speaker: 2024 CKS-PC Research Fellows

Date: December 21, 2024 

8:30 am 

Cambodia Time 

Morning Session: 08:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Cambodia time) 1. “Searching for Missing Relatives at the Former Khmer Rouge’s Security Center S-21” by Solinda Kan

Abstract: During the Khmer Rouge administration (1975-1979), many Cambodian families were separated due to…

Posted on: 18-December-2024

Past Events

Speaker: Dr. Theara Thun

Date: December 20, 2024 

8:00 am 

Cambodia Time 

About the Workshop

This workshop offers an exploration of the application process for MA, PhD, and postdoctoral overseas fellowships. Looking deeply into the multifaceted realm of fellowship applications, participants will not only grasp the essential requirements but also uncover…

Posted on: 9-December-2024

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